Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Busy Tuesday

I have been super busy. I just ordered 3 domain names, and I'm busy building those websites. One if for hypnosis, one is for psychic stuff and one is for my new line of t-shirt art. I'm a complex person and can't fit all of myself onto one website. I've tried and soon it was just a sea of confusion. It can be challenging to be multitalented. Take today for example. I went out to breakfast and wrote the lyrics for two new songs. I've never written a waltz before so that was a real challenge.
Then I rushed home to record the new melody before I forgot it.
I grabbed some lunch and started doing a new concentrics painting in shades of green and brown. But reminding myself that life is about balance, I set that aside to dry and went to work on other things.
The hypnosis chatroom has been a challenge because the moderators took away the chatroom link from the menu bar. So now people are playing 'hunt down the link' which had kind of killed chat for the time being.

Then I had dinner and came back online to work on getting the new websites up and functioning. Why pay money for them if they aren't available to earn me some money?
Tomorrow will no doubt be nothing like today. It will be a new mad rush all over again.