Sunday, December 05, 2010


Every time I'm in the Etsy chatroom someone says to me, "I love your shop name." Which is Pigglewiggins. It seems to have a universal appeal.

Here I am in the photo with a snood I just finished. I love the word snood. I think it's so funny and it always makes people ask, "What's a snood?"  Snoods were popular in various times of history including the Renaissance, and the Civil War era.
I used to make snoods for an opera singer with long hair. They were part of her signature look. She was very picky though, so after the last order I said no more.  She kept wanting me to remake everything, for no extra pay of course. I'd much rather just put a stack of them on my vending table and let the customer try them on and decide which one they want. They are fun to make and many types of thread or yarn can be used. I think now that it's winter I'll start wearing one. They are great for bad hair days too.

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